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gender diversity & inclusion -consultation
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.
- Hilary Clinton
Is the % of women at higher levels in your organisation lower than at line roles?
Do women tend to "flow away" from your company, getting lost or stuck on their way to the boardroom?
We can help you understand how this happend and what you can do to rewind it. This could be one of the best strategies in the war for talent - as research clearly shows that companies with women on boards reach better financial results.
co wyróżnia program "Grow your PQ":
koncentracja na wytworzeniu nawyku
Docieranie do przyczyn, zamiast zajmowania
się obajwami
Rozwój wszystkich 3 kluczowych "mięśni" umysłowego dobrostanu
Oparte na badaniach,
mierzalne rezultaty
uniwersalny system, do zastosowania w dziesiątkach obszarów
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